Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Best Practices for Parent Teacher Conferences - Message to Teachers

It is the time of year where many schools are having Parent-Teacher Conferences (in Canada we call them Interviews). As I began preparing some important best practices to share with my teaching staff, I realized there was a long list to share with them. For fear of overwhelming everyone, I chose to make two lists that I culled from other sources:
I. Vital guidelines that every teacher has to keep in mind
II. Best practices that we should all aspire to

I. Listed below are the vital guidelines:
  1. It is important that you arrive on time and begin each appointment promptly.
  2. A bell will ring every 7 minutes. This is a signal for both you and parents that the meeting is over. Even if the interview has not yet finished, you must explain that the day runs by appointments, and you must meet with your next appointment on time. and we must adhere to strict timing. and their appointment is up! You may find it helpful to stand up at the end of the meeting - subtle body language can make the difference.  Regardless, no one set of parents can upset the sequence of appointments for the day. If parents need more time, please arrange an alternate time to talk with them.
  3. Should a parent be late and an unscheduled parent be waiting in hopes of meeting with you,  - do NOT meet with the "unscheduled" parent, as the "late" parent will likely probably show up and they do have the right to that time slot. Experience has shown that parents may be a minute or two late and then get frustrated that you've already started another conference. The "unscheduled parents" can meet you during a hole in your schedule.
  4. Always begin with the positive and make certain there is a balance between the positive and the “next steps”. Think of two or three positive descriptors for each student (e.g., "Michelle is so eager to help" or "David seems well liked by his classmates").
  5. Remember to: prepare the following items:
    1. Know in advance what you want to say. Prepare thoughts and materials. Create an agenda or list of key issues you want to discuss about each student’s progress and growth. CLICK HERE for some planning templates.
    2. Always have evidence to support what you have to say. Use examples. Walk parents through the assignments and assessments that are particularly demonstrative of the student’s progress and abilities.
    3. Limit the number of concerns to no more than three.
    4. Describe what you have done to remedy the situation
    5. Always work towards a collaborative solution.
  6. For those students who received a “Progressing with Difficulty” or “Emerging” in the Gan, make sure you are prepared to explain this to the parents. Similarly, be sure to explain to parents why their child received a Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory for Middot skills. BE SPECIFIC: Excessive talking, inability to focus, too much clowning around, disrespectful, etc. Be sure to explain that their child's’ unsatisfactory behavior negatively affects the classroom environment demeanor   and takes time away from your teaching your class teaching time. (No one child has the right to limit the learning of other students.)
  7. It is important that you not project your opinion about a child’s diagnosis or dosage for medication. You should describe observable behaviours, but not medical information that is the purview of a doctor.
  8. Some traps to avoid: discussing family problems, discussing other teachers' classroom treatment of the student, comparing the student to their siblings, arguing with the parent, attempting to psychoanalyze the student, blaming the parent for the student's misbehavior.
  9. It is also very important to pay attention to the bulletin boards inside and outside your classroom. Please ensure that there is a write- up, explaining what went into the work being displayed. A description of your lesson goals and your success criteria can be very helpful. If you have photographs of the process in action, they too can be displayed.
  10. Be sure to bring your laptop so you can access your grades and comments. We will be printing the children’s report cards for teachers in Gan through Grade 5.
  11. It is important that we all support the new DDC initiative that the school has undertaken. Please do not allow parents to speak negatively about the new system. You can tell them that the administration would be happy to hear their feedback. It goes without saying that teachers should not project any negativity towards the new system.
  12. Schedule a way to follow- up on your conference in the next few weeks and months. If you tell parents you will follow- up with them, be sure to do that in accordance with the timeline that you agreed upon.
  13. Be sure to call back those who requested a call back!

II. Listed below are the best practices:
  1. Create a welcoming environment. Make your classroom comfortable for families by displaying student work, arranging seating in circles (with adult chairs, if possible), and making a private space for the conferences. Don't hide behind your desk. It can be a barrier to developing a working relationship. If possible, sit beside the parent at a table. Also avoid seating parents in small children's chairs.
  2. Arrange the room setting to minimize potential distractions or interruptions during the conference.
  3. Even the parents of bright, strong students want details. They do not want to hear only “he is an ideal student”, Add your goals, what he can still work on, or his special abilities.
  4. It is a good idea to have work available for parents to peruse. I would also have an example of a really good piece of work (you should take out the student’s name) for parents to see. Sometimes an example of a “three” is also a good idea. It is also a good idea to have examples of work from the beginning of the year so that you can show growth.
  5. Ask questions and listen actively. Solicit family input into student strengths and needs, learning styles, and non-school learning opportunities. Ask parents about their hopes and dreams for their child.
  6. Actively listen to the parent. Respond empathically to feelings expressed by the parent (e.g., "You are disappointed Sarah isn't getting more individual attention in class"). This communicates that you really are trying to understand the parents' perspective; it does not imply you necessarily agree with their view. Such active listening is an especially effective way to handle the angry parent.
  7. Share ideas for supporting learning. Provide suggestions for activities and strategies families can use at home to help their child learn and grow.
  8. Seek solutions collaboratively. Avoid judgments about what “they” should do and instead emphasize how “we” can work together to resolve any problems. Make an action plan. Spend the last few minutes discussing how you and the family will support the student. Be specific about the kinds of things you will do, for how long you will do them, and how you will check in with one another about progress.
  9. Don't dwell on any student's attributes that are unlikely to change or over which the parents have little control.
  10. Practice the very best of manners, treating each parent with full respect and dignity.
  11. Address all parents by their last names preceded by the appropriate Mr., Mrs., or Ms. until you are invited by them to use their first name.
  12. When you are delivering news about an academic or behavioral problem, author Susan Swap and others suggest these strategies:
  • Focus your comments and efforts only on things that can be changed.
  • Limit the number of suggestions for improvements so that parents are not overwhelmed.
  • Speak plainly and avoid jargon and euphemistic language.
  • Be tactful, but not so tactful that you don't adequately communicate the problem.
  • Ask for and listen to parents' reactions.
  • Be specific when discussing difficulties the student is experiencing. It is generally better to be candid, yet non-blaming. It is unwise to mislead the parent into thinking all is well if there is a problem with their child. Stick to the facts, giving concrete examples, rather than broad generalities.
  • It is best to avoid getting emotional in discussing problems you may be having with the student. Remember, your goal is to enlist the parent's cooperation in resolving any difficulties the student may be experiencing in your class.

  1. Inquire about home routines (responsibilities, homework habits, play, etc.). Seek information that might help you gain a better understanding of the student's talents, interests, and challenges.
  2. Try to offer two or three specific suggestions for the parent to implement at home that might help the student. Offer them not as commands, but as ideas that have worked with other students.
  3. Invite the parents to contact you with any future concerns about their child's classroom progress.
  4. End the conference with a hopeful tone. Summarize the main points discussed and any steps to be taken to resolve identified problems. Again commend them for coming to the conference.
  5. Do follow up with notes or a phone call, especially if a particular problem has been identified for attention.

Here are some links I share with parents about how to make the most of the parent teacher interview:

Make the Most of Your Teacher Conference

Tips for Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences at Your Child's School

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